My Workplaces of the Future Checklist
Over the past few years I’ve done a deep dive into where the future will be taking the workplace. I’ve even had the opportunity to do a number of presentations on it. I let people change it’s happening faster than they realize it. The changes that impacted the rust belt caused by offshoring were felt slowly. The changes coming now will be felt fast, driven by technology. As I remind folks “you either eat technology or you get eaten by technology.
Consider my checklist and how these forces will change your workplace.
Workplaces of the Future Checklist
Are you preparing for the rapid changes coming your way?
- 3D Printing
- Artificial intelligence
- Augmented reality
- Cloud computing
- Collaborative learning
- Culture
- Display technology
- Economic
- Environmental
- Experiential learning
- Gamification
- Internet of everything (IOT)
- Medical breakthroughs
- Online learning/MOOCS
- Personalized learning
- Political
- Robotics
- Scientific
- Social media
- Working environments
- Others ______________
Questions to ask:
What changes are coming your way in each of these categories?
How will it disrupt the work you do?
What will be different in 3-5 years from now?
How will you help lead the change efforts?
How will it affect the workplace?
Where will your future leaders come from?
How do you drive innovation?
How do you make it fun?
A few of my favorite futurist resources: